Greetings, By Willie Willson and Matthew Hamilton
Hi in this explanation you will learn how to greet someone, ask them how they are doing, and say goodbye. For this it is very important to remember the different way's that you say hi, for you to understand how to ask someone how they are, and how to say goodbye in different ways.
For saying hi there are a few different forms. In the morning you say buenos dias(Bwe-nos De-as), in the afternoon you say buenos tardes(Bwe-nos tar-des), and in the evening you say buenos noches(Bwe-nos no-che). If you forget these then hola(Ola) works anytime of the day, but remember that the h is silent.
When asking how someone is you can say a few things. You can say ¿Que tal?(K-Tall), or ¿Como esta(s) (Ud)?(Ko-mo es-tas), or even ¿Como va?(Ko-mo va). Que tal is a more general form of this and can be used in every situation, but it is always a good idea to say ¿Como esta(s) (ud)?.
Responding to this question is as simple as saying how you feel. For ex. "¿Como estas?" "Muy bien." This means i'm good. Another thing to say is "Muy mal."(m-ui m-al) which means i'm terrible. The other things that you can say are: Estoy...
1) Bien(byen)-Good
2) Infeirmo(in-fer-ie-mo)-Sick
3) Cansado(can-sado)-Tired
4) Emocionado(Emo-cio-nado)- Excited
5) Mas o Menos(Mas oh men-os)- Allright
Saying goodbye is like sying hi and asking how are you in the way that you can say it many ways. You can say adios(Ad-ios) (bye), hasta luego (asta Lu-e-go) (see you soon), or hasta mañana(asta Ma-ny-na) (see you tomorow). These are all exceptable and if you say one of these people will understand you.
When a person walks up to you they say,"Hola,¿Como esta? It is polite to respond by saying,"Mas o menos, gracias."
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