Greetings, How Are you?, Goodbyes.

We'll break things up so we won't confuse you. Greetings consist of words such as "¡Hola!", "¡Buenos Dias!", "¡Buenas Tardes!", and "¡Buenas Noches!." "¡Hola!" means "hello!." You would normally say this to greet someone in a day to day basis. There are also "¡Buenos Dias!" which means "good morning", "¡Buenas Tardes" which means "good evening", and "¡Buenas Noches!" which means "good night." Now for "How are you?" The simplest way to say this is "¿Como estás?" You would usually say this to your friends. You could also say "¿Como está?" if you're speaking to an adult. For "Goodbyes," the most universal saying is "¡Adios!" This just simply means "bye!" Some other versions of "Bye" can be "¡Hasta Luego!" which means "See you later!" And ¡Hasta Pronto!" which means "See you soon!"

When people see each other, they usually greet each other. Whether it's an "¡Hola!" or a "¡Buenos Dias!" When people greet each other, they usually tend to ask how they (to each other) are. They usually ask "¿Como Estas?" or "¿Qué Tal?" After they have chatted, they will need to go. And this is where "Goodbyes" come in. Just simply say an "¡Adios! or ¡Hasta Luego!"
