Harrison's Polling Adventure

Today I went to my polling place.


I helped a very nice volunteer named Jack hand out voting literature for about an hour. Afterward, I interviewed a woman named Nina about her polling experience. 


1. What motivated you to come out and vote?


I don't want the republicans to win—so part of it is a defense-- a defense vote. And plus, I always vote. I feel it's my civic duty.


2. Do you vote in every election? (How regularly do you vote?)




3. Where have you encountered the highest amount of ad campaigning? Radio, TV, print, etc.




4. What was the most memorable campaign ad that you have encountered?


An ad against Onorato saying that there were jobs lost in his county-- that was part of the economy! That had nothing to do with him. Oh, and Christine O'Donnell.


5. Are you always sure of who you are going to vote for when you walk into

 the booth or are you still deliberating?


It's a mixture. Some people I know, others I don't know are running until I get there, haha.


6. What impact do you feel that your vote will have on the election?


'I know I'm only one person, but together, we can make a change. Blah blah blah.' Something like that.


