Hasciya Austin Slide
My slide represents my goal in life. I chose this theme because the themes on google slides were nothing that represented me. I chose an aesthetic background to symbolize my calmness and the way I feel about hard work and success. The colors in the background were green and black, since I believe that green is a soothing color. The contrast in color between the green and black so It won’t be the same shade of green because I believe that normal is boring, and that I should be my own person and not who others think I am. The quote, “Not all Art will go down in history” Isn’t a quote that I made myself, but a quote I believe created by Maria Anwander. I believe this quote means that not everyone’s hard work will be noticed by the whole world, but it doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t hard because of it. I chose to work hard now so I can achieve my goal of becoming a computer programmer and no matter if I get a lot of recognition or a little recognition, I wouldn’t care because I reached my goal and hope to reach more goals in the future.
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