
Science: Humans are very social beings. In our life we form different kinds of relationship with people. However, some relationships don’t last and can lead to heartbreak. People may not know that the reason they feel such pain during a heartbreak has a lot to do with their brain. A study done by the Journal of Neurophysiology showed that the area where physical pain activates in the brain when people see pictures of the person they broke up with. A break up is much like withdrawal of cocaine. Our physical and emotional parts of the brain share the same neural pathways. That is why some people experience difficulty sleeping, weight gain, stress, depression, and less critical thinking. When we feel physical pain the anterior cingulate cortes is stimutaled and also happens when we feel emotional pain. Therefore, the brain tells you that this breakup is physically painful or is causing you to feel physical symptoms. We as humans evolutionary evolved to be a part of things that keeps us strong and helps our survival. As we form these social relationships as an important part of survival.

Society: A lot of people don’t really relate anything scientific to the idea of heartbreak. They just think that certain behaviors after a break up is normal due to the nature of the situation. However, many people don’t realize that a break up in a long term relationship has a lot of neurological aspects that affect us. However, it does take time to recover from a situation like this because our brain also has to get used to it. Depending on how deep the relationship and how much the brain was “addicted” to the person in the relationship can affect how a person behaves and changes. According to ASAP science, there are studies that show people would rather be physically hurt than be socially excluded. We are more likely to reproduce and survive than being alone.

Self: I know that in movies and TV in general breakups are shown to be bad things. It also happens in real life where you can see these sypmtoms of heartbreak happening but you don’t realize how this really impacts you in the long run or in the moment being. In my religion, it is though that if someone is not meant for you they won’t be in your life or they will for a short amount of time. It is believed that you will find someone better and someone who is meant for you. I think that heartbreak is a real thing and that it really does impact a person but it is something that can take some time to get over.


A. (2013). The Science of Heartbreak. Retrieved April 14, 2016, from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lGglw8eAikY

This Is What Happens To Your Body After A Breakup [VIDEO]. (2014). Retrieved April 14, 2016, from http://www.medicaldaily.com/science-breaking-how-heartbreak-hurts-your-physical-and-mental-health-306320

The Science Behind Heartbreak. (n.d.). Retrieved April 14, 2016, from http://www.science20.com/variety_tap/science_behind_heartbreak-33900
