Henninger, Mcneil, Smith, Fichera - Podcast 1

Group Members Present:

Dayona Mcneil

Chelsea Smith

Chris Fichera

Sophia Henninger


Since this was our first podcast we wanted to outline statistics itself and what it means to us. We just introduced ourselves and then everyone individually explained their definition of statistics and what it meant to us. Since this podcast had very little to do with the book itself, there was not much to disagree about. 

Stats 1 1

Comments (3)

Mark Miles (Teacher)
Mark Miles

Since there wasn't a lot of discussion on the book, please comment on the following for next time: 1. Choose one of the quotations inside the front cover and discuss how it relates to the Introduction. 2. Put the second paragraph on Page 18 (“A river cannot….”) into your own words. 3. Comment on the last paragraph of Chapter 1. 4. Summarize Chapter 2 in a few sentences. 5. When we see an average reported, what do we need to ask besides which kind of average is being used? Why?