Hola!:How to greet someone.

Lesson 1:in order to know how to greet someone you need to know:

  • how to say hello
  • how to say good bye
  • how to say how are you
  • how to say nice to meet you

There are many ways to greet someone in Spanish

We are going to start off with a basic coversation

                 Greeting someone
P1: ¡Hola! ¿Cómo está?- hello how are you ?
P2: ¡Hola! Muy bien. – hello in  ok  and you ?
P1: Bien. Gracias. im good thank you

      how to ask for some one name
P1: ¡Hola! ¿Cómo se llama?-Hello what is your name?
P2: Me llamo Mark . ¿Y usted- My name is Mark and you?
P1: Me llamo Tiani. Mucho Gusto- My name is Tiani. Nice to meet you
P2: Ilgulmente-Same to  you.

                        And another way to greet someone
P1: ¡Hola! ¿Qué tal?-Hello how are you?
P2:Muy bien gracias ¿Y usted?- Very well thanks and you?
P1:Muy bien gracias!-'m very good, thank you.

Here is a video of a two people asking for each others names.
