Hola!Cmo est Ud.?:How to ask questions to an adult or friend.
lesson 2:In order to know how to talk to an adult or friend the proper way in spanish you need to know:
- How to use tú v.s Usted
- The abbreviation Ud.
- The basic conversation question
using tú and usted
When you are asking someone a question in sainsh you use either the term tú or Usted, commonly shortened to Ud. If your talking to a friend about the same age as you say y tú?. But if it is someone older then
You say usted to show respect.
A example of a conversation. A kid is having with his old teacher form middle school.
adult:¿Como estás? (How are you?)
kid:Muy bien.(Very Good) ¿Y usted ?(And you)
adult: bien,(good) adiós(goodbye)
kid: adiós(goodbye
To friends
kid 1: ¿Como está? (How are you?)
kid 2: Muy bien.(Very Good) ¿Y tù.?(And you)
kid1: bien adiós
kid2: adiós
A video a about using tú and usted
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