hola! come estas?: how to greet someone in spanish

First lesson: Say you meet a pretty girl  in mexico and all she speak is Spanish. You want to say hello, and have a conversion with her then ask her for her number but you don’t know how. With the lesson you will be able to.

First thing: how to say hello. This is very easy. If you want to say hi all you have to say is ¡Hola!. For example you can say ¡hola! Brenda and that means hello brenda.

Next, how to greet someone by saying good morning, good afternoon, and good evening in Spanish. This one is a little bite harder but is still easy. If you want to say good morning you say ¡buenos días!, if you want to say good afternoon you can say ¡buenas tardes!, and if you want to say good evening you would say ¡buenas noches!. For example u would say ¡Hola! ¡Buenos días! Branda.

Now if you don’t know someones name to ask them you would say ¿cómo te llamas or ¿cómo se llama. ¿cómo te llamas is informal and ¿cómo se llama is formal. If you want to ask a girl for her name you would say ¿cómo te llamas. But if you want to ask the president for his name you would say ¿cómo te llama. Or you can start the conversation by saying your name first. You can say me llamo ( your name) y tu? ¿y tu? Means and you. The you can say mucho gusto which means nice to meet you.





¡Buenos días!

Good morning

¡buenas tardes!

Good afternoon

¡buenas noches!

Good evening!

Meeting someone

Meeting someone

¿cómo te llamas?           informal

What’s your name?

¿cómo se llama?             formal

What is your name?

Me llamo _______________

My name is _____________.

¿Y tú?                                 informal

And you?

¿ Y ud?                                 formal

And you?

Mucho gusto

Nice to meet you.
