How to ask someone for time? Bach Tong and Shannon Powers

To ask someone “What time is it?”, you say:

“¿Qué hora es?”

        or “¿Qué hora son?”

        or “¿Qué hora tiene?”

Responds could be:

               “ Es la una”= Its one o’clock

            or “Son las dos,tres,cuatro......”=Its two,three,cuatro

             or”......^.......y cuarto”=:15

                 “......^.......y meda”=:30

                 “......^.......menos cuarto”=:45

                 “.......^.......menos (the number of minutes before the hour)

This could be used to ask someone for time. It could also use to respond to people when you are asked for time. Time is important, therefore, it is always a plus for you to know how to keep track of it. 
