How To Describe The Weather In Spanish.
Although you probably already know how to say the weather in english, learning it in spanish is a helpful skill as well! Even though its a bit difference from what you may be used to, it's quite easy, and is really useful! To start, you need to know the how to describe the differences in weather, which is again, really simple. Some of the words are even based off of english words! The first chart below explains the basic phrases, commonly used when giving the weather en español.
Notice how some things say 'bastante,' and 'parcialmente/mayormente.' Those are words that help describe the weather more accurately. You wouldn't want to tell someone it's just cold, when it's below freezing outside, would you? Knowing the various words and their meanings in spanish, is key if you want to speak fluently! Now that you've learned how to describe the weather, let's move on to how to ask and give it! Asking for the weather is not a hard concept to grasp. Since you've just learned the word 'tiempo,' which translates to 'weather,' in english, all you need to do is connect that knowledge with a few other words! Anyway, to ask for the weather, you would need to say, "¿Qué tiempo hace hoy?" which translates to 'What's the weather like?" Simple, right?
Alternatively, you can also learn the seasons, if you're trying to learn how to describe the weather during a certain part of the year. The second chart below should help! With practice, you'll be telling the weather in no time! ¡Adios!
Here's a video of a situation that could've been avoided by knowing the weather in spanish.
Notice how some things say 'bastante,' and 'parcialmente/mayormente.' Those are words that help describe the weather more accurately. You wouldn't want to tell someone it's just cold, when it's below freezing outside, would you? Knowing the various words and their meanings in spanish, is key if you want to speak fluently! Now that you've learned how to describe the weather, let's move on to how to ask and give it! Asking for the weather is not a hard concept to grasp. Since you've just learned the word 'tiempo,' which translates to 'weather,' in english, all you need to do is connect that knowledge with a few other words! Anyway, to ask for the weather, you would need to say, "¿Qué tiempo hace hoy?" which translates to 'What's the weather like?" Simple, right?
Alternatively, you can also learn the seasons, if you're trying to learn how to describe the weather during a certain part of the year. The second chart below should help! With practice, you'll be telling the weather in no time! ¡Adios!
Here's a video of a situation that could've been avoided by knowing the weather in spanish.
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