Before we can learn how to say your phone number, we need to know the numbers in spanish.
Uno | oo-no |
Dos | dose |
Tres | Tr-ay-se |
Cuatro | Cwat-ro |
Cinco | Sin-co |
Seis | Say-s |
Siete | See-ete |
Ocho | Oh-cho |
Nueve | New-ay-vay |
Diez | Dee-ez |
Once | On-say |
Doce | Do-say |
Trese | Tray-say |
Catorce | Ca-tor-say |
Quince | Keen-say |
Dieziseis | Diez-ee-say-se |
Diezisiete | Diez-ee-see-ete |
Dieziocho | Diez-ee-ocho |
Diezinueve | Diez-ee-nueve |
Veinte | Bain-te |
Treinta | Train-ta |
Cuarenta | Cwar-en-ta |
Cincuenta | Sin-cwen-ta |
Sesenta | Say-sen-ta |
Setenta | Say-ten-ta |
Ochenta | Oh-chen-ta |
Noventa | No-ven-ta |
Cien | See-en |
When saying your phone number in spanish, you need to know how to break it up. In English, we just say the numbers like two-one-five....ect. But in spanish we group them together like, 2/15. 4/82.89/43.To ask someone for their number in spanish you simply say "¿Cual es tü numero de telefono?" and if you want to show respect to someone (like the president) when asking for his number, you would change the "tü" to "sü" so then it would be "¿Cual es sü numero de telefono?"
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