I Saw a Light at the End

In the darkest night a young boy waits for sleep to take him far away to a place that he controls. As he fades out of this darkness he finds himself in a different kind. He's in the middle of a field, storm clouds fill the sky and the rain pours down in what looks like sheets. He sees a white light ahead of him and he walks towards it. He gets closer, but the light never seems to actually be closer. He stops and frowns, wills the light to come closer but it continues to stay so far away.
He lies in the wet grass with his eyes closed, the rain pelting his eye lids. He wills for her to be there; the girl with the white hair and dark purple eyes. He feels her beside him and reaches his hand out towards her and she takes it. Her skin is warm and her heart beats loudly. He opens his eyes and watches hers and then he points to the white light, but it isn't there anymore. He tries to explain it to her, but she just smiles at him and nods her head. And the longer this goes on, the more frustrated he becomes. Doesn't she believe him? Why isn't she saying anything? He becomes more and more animated about it… And then she disappears. She's never disappeared before, never left him. He stares at the space she was just sitting in and wonders where she went. he stands up to look around for her, but he doesn't see her… He just sees a white light far away from him.
