I Write... Beacuse

There are many different reason why I write not just because school thinks it mandatory or I will need in the world I write because some thing i feel like in life should not be said but written. And what I mean by this is some people have a hard time trying to say what they want so they write it down or take note on it. Some people even write letters to some one they like or love because they’re too afraid to say it. But for me writing has just been one of those things that I know am going to need in my life so I want to get better at doing it all the time. Some times writing douse things talking can’t, like when you send some one a letter from another part of the world. It also plays important part in history. Most things that are found out in the world are recorded   and document on paper so the next generations can under stand. What am trying to get at is that writing is important to our society help in many was and it is evolving every day. There are many people in the world that can’t read or write. It wouldn’t matter if it was English or Spanish the point is people who cant write most likely will not be able to survive in the world. It sad to hear but I hope it comes a time when all people will be able to understand each other not just by talking but also writing.
