Identity & Belonging

This project mainly focuses on my sisters ideas and experiences relating to identity and belonging. She talks about why she left public school and went into homeschooling, and this was because of her not feeling as though she belonged and also because of an issue involving her, her "friends" and a cyber-bullying page that was created. My goal for this project was to focus mainly on a story, and making that story suspenseful like the examples Mr. Block showed us in class.

Overall, I can honestly say I enjoyed working on this project. I learned a lot about my sister and her experiences, and also about different definitions of identity and belonging. The checkpoints were really helpful for me, although they were frustrating. The first interview I did with her was a failure, it related to identity but was not what I pictured my final product looking like. So, after I redid the interview I was very satisfied and looking forward to editing and showing her the final product. I really did like this project, though, simply because light was bought to my knowledge and I was definitely enlightened. 

Podcast (1)
