My ILP is consistently fascinating. I and several other students receive a law class instructed by two student teachers from Drexel University. Each week, we learn about a new area of law. Touch on new concepts, amendments, and legal ideas and discussions. The environment is very open and casual, making it a perfect learning environment for someone at any understanding level. Since we have to actually discuss, push, and put serious thought into each and everything we are taught, I have actually learned a great deal from this class. A few months ago I would not have been able to tell you anything about Tort Law, or the numerous nuances of the 4th amendment. Yet now, I can keep up a conversation about these topics with ease, with the ability to cite examples and cases from memory. This ILP presented me with a wonderful opportunity to compete in a "mock trial" of sorts, I was given a case, brought to a competition, where I proceeded to the semi finals and won 4th place. Recently, due to a drop out from the national championships, I had an opportunity to enter the competition on a national level. Sadly, due to the timing of the drop out I would not be able to prepare for the event in any way before it took place, so I had to turn down the opportunity to compete. It was still a great, learning experience to reach that point, and I can't wait to have what I hope will be many more in this ILP. 
