ILP 2015
This is an interesting year. I would have to say Sophomore is the most interesting year due to the fact that we are able to complete ILPs. Every Wednesday I leave school early to go to one of my two internships. I currently intern at Morton Elementary School as Assistant Dean and also I intern with State Representative Joanna McClinton as her Youth Liaison. I am lucky enough to be able to go to two internships.
My internships are very fun and I learn so much at both locations. Even though they are both two different fields they are both fields that allows me to engage with my community which I really love.
As I continue my internship throughout the year I really can't wait till I actually complete my first layout and implement my first proposal in the Rep. office. But there have been many amazing things that have happened so far while interning. I learned the disciplinary system that SDP have in place. I also learned how to work with constituents.
It's very important that every school allow youth to intern. This is making my decision easier about what field I want to go into.
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