Imaged Laptops and Roll Out 13-14
Laptop Imaged
- Follow these steps
• Login - turn on the computer
• User Name - Student Account 13-14
• Pass code - it is blank, press the return key without typing anything in the password field
Laptop not in the cart
- Follow there steps
This means your name is on the list below and you did not hand in materials or pay laptop insurance for last school year. You must hand in your material or pay the laptop insurance. Laptop insurance is $75.00 and a check can be made out to Science Leadership Academy or cash can both be given to your advisor. You will not receive your laptop until you have completed these steps.
- pay or hand back materials
- have your advisor email Ms. Hull stating that you have completed the steps
- Ms. Hull will contact you about picking up your laptop
Name on the list below and you had your laptop over the summer - Follow these steps
- Bring your laptop to Ms. Hull immediately, in room 301
Everyone who handed in a charger will get it back the first day regardless if they owe for materials or insurance.
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