Imani and Amirah 1st Podcast

Stats 1st podcast - 5:1:16, 1.14 PM
Our first podcast was based on the Introduction and chapters 1-2. We talked about our observation in what we learned in class and how it relates to the book. We talked about how there were confusion in regards to what the book was talking about and how we asked around to gain a clarification. We asked questions and made other observations 

Comments (1)

Mark Miles (Teacher)
Mark Miles

Good first podcast.

For next time, make sure you respond to the following prompts:

  1. Choose one of the quotations inside the front cover and discuss how it relates to the Introduction.
  2. List as many sources of sample bias as you can that are mentioned in Chapter 1 and provide an example of each.
  3. Put the second paragraph on Page 18 (“A river cannot….”) into your own words.
  4. What is the advantage of a stratified random sample and what difficulties does it pose, according to this chapter?
  5. When we see an average reported, what do we need to ask besides which kind of average is being used? Why?

Finally, when discussing chapters 3, 5, or 6, incorporate the following article into your discussion:

Also, each member of your group should find an article online containing a misleading graph and discuss it during the podcast (be sure to talk about why it’s misleading!). Be sure to include a link to all articles in the text of your post of the podcast that corresponds to chapters 3, 5, or 6.