Imani Holness Music and Culture Assignment

Skyscraper- Demi Lovato

I loved Demi Lovato ever since I saw her on the movie “camp rock”(2008) and princess protection program (2009) and when I heard one of her first songs “LaLa land”. I liked her because she didn’t come off as a “fake person”, most people that are famous act like a robot, with know personality or is scared to let it show there afraid to be them selves. They act like they don’t have problems, or struggles in there life, but Demi Lovato is very different from them. She doesn’t try to hide her problems from the world, and act like everything is perfect, instead she speaks out about having depression since the age of 11, and that she had a bipolar disorder. She does not speak about it to be in the spotlight, she wants to let her fans that are going through these challenges know that they can make it just like her, and that they are worth it. She’s a remodel to me because she helps me get through the things that I go through as a person, and a teenager. The song skyscraper is about believing in your self, and know matter what your going through or what has happen to you, you can always rise and over come your struggles, like how a skyscraper rises over top of a city.

 The song represents my culture, which are sports. When you play sports there’s always going to problems you have to get through. If you playing basketball or football you might have to play defense on someone that’s faster than you or stronger than you and your going to have to believe in your self to “stick with your man”. If you miss a shot in basketball you can’t be discourage, nobody is perfect so your going to have to keep your head up high and try it over and over again.

 This song represents all different types of people and cultures. It doesn’t matter what you’re skin color is, what type of music you listen to, or even the religion you believe in, everyone goes through hard times in life. Because this song is so uplifting, and inspiring it came reach more than the “average listener”. The song just has one purpose and that purpose is to let everyone know that the matter.

