Immigration - past or present

Somethings that surprised me the most about this information we found in this project is that certain things that happen can effect immigration so much. When I found out from 1881-1914 Jewish migration was happening because of things in there country. When America was being effected by the great depression immigration lowered. When they passed an ACT to slow down immigration it got effected. To see why people come and go was interesting. The obvious thing about describing the graph was  how it decreased and increase, but not knowing why made me wonder. But once I found out why, it made it easy to understand and comprehend why the increase and decrease was happening. I feel like immigration will stay at a steady rate for the next 2 decades. Once America gets it's economy up and running more. Some more jobs open up then immigration may rise.

Me and my group came up with someways that is easier for us and others. So we know that pictures help and a little information we gave helped.  People get to understand why immigration increased and decreased just as I understand. Some challenging  parts of this project was getting everyone on same page. Some people were behind other people in the group.  Some different things I would do is make sure I know what program I'm working with. was a very hard program, and I would test it out before.
