Immigration Success Stories

Amaris Romero & Natasha Ashby


The most challenging part about this benchmark was trying to figure out how to layout the entire process. It was difficult for us because we were unsure on how to provide a good design. In the end we designed it in a way where we felt it was the most creative yet simple.

The story was easy for us to get because there are many students within the school who of course have a story to tell. There were many students who had similar stories and throughout the process of us finding  a topic to focus on it was simple because a friend was telling us her story and she started to mention the different people who are in similar positions as her. Her story inspired us to go outside of the box and interview multiple people in order to have a thorough general understanding of successful immigration stories. 

I believe that this story hasn't received much attention because it hasn't been revealed. I feel like it is unknown but in a way it is known because we know about it. It's unknown because no one takes the time to acknowledge or notice an immigrants story.

Yes, if our article is shared to the public and no because if this article only stays within the walls of the school how will anyone else be able to hear out their stories.

I learned so much from this assignment I've learned about how strong people are and how monstrous others are. It all depends on the way you were raised I suppose because of everything that is being taught to them. I learned to be a leader like Bach and to keep moving forward never to let anyone bring you down.

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