Income Taxes
Income Taxes Flow Chart <---- link to our join
By: Kern Clarke & Blase Biello
By: Kern Clarke & Blase Biello
The task that was selected for the Bureaucracy Project was the individual tax return process. We did all the way from getting the actual forms to mailing them out after their finished. Our process started with obtaining the required forms in order to complete this process. These form could be obtained online, by phone, or in person at a local IRS office. The forms that were needed in order to complete this process were the 1040 tax return forms. Next they began to fill out the form based on filing status, any household exemptions and then afterwards they filled out the rest of the information required by following the instruction manual that comes along with the 1040.
At first the paperwork seemed easy. Thats because everything we needed to fill out at the top was just information regarding the persons identity. After the first part we had to refer to the instruction manual for about every new section that was introduced. There were words I've never ever heard before and I needed to look them up in order to move on with the rest fo the form. If I could change one thing about the bureaucratic process that I flow charted I would probably change having to do different forms if you ha income come in from a certain place or from a certain process. This can be extremely tedious having to constantly refer to other forms that you hace filled out in order to complete the one that you are doing right now.
I think that the systems have become so complicated because as time progressed the government began to see many different scenarios in which someones income situation was not included on the form so they tried their best to cover almost all different types on the spectrum. Overall I thought that this project was a very learning process because most if not all of the processes that were done for this project someone in our classrooms will have to go through one day and this is a great way for us to get properly acquainted with the process beforehand.
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