Infographic Reflection
Be Transparent: It was a good overview of all the information of the topic.
Be Different: It was not much different.
Be Accurate: Resources were very informative which made it accurate.
Be Creative: It could be more creative and gracious if we add more inforgraphics.
a. What went well?
We found a lot of resources, which helped in our understanding.
b. What did not?
We could not use more infographics for a good visual.
c. What would you do differently next time?
We would use more and unique infographics
d. Specifically comment on the 10 tips for effective infographics -
Be Concise : It was concise.
Be Visual: Its visual was good but use of graphics was less.Be Transparent: It was a good overview of all the information of the topic.
Be Different: It was not much different.
Be Accurate: Resources were very informative which made it accurate.
Be Creative: It could be more creative and gracious if we add more inforgraphics.
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