Interview at Polls- Mdoe

I interviewed Dr.Lambert, a neighbor of mine from Mt.Airy and head of the Democratic committee of the 9th ward, 12th division.

I started off asking her, "what motivated you to come out and vote?" She replied "It is my responsibility. I've even got a pin that says 'if you don't vote, don't bitch'. Since I was 18, I've voted every year.

She insisted on answering all of the questions!
Here is a summary of some of her responses:
Dr.Lambert does not like the new supreme court ruling that allows people to campaign with out people knowing who they are. For example, a billionaire from Europe could campaign (without being recognized) just to distract votes from other candidates. Additionally, she thought 2008 was the most memorable election. She is excited there is a black president even though she herself is white.
