Is a cat worth it? (4/23)
Some useful information that you would need to relate to this incident in anyway is that my mom is a animal lover and sometimes I get the feeling that she care more about our 2 cats then she does about my own self. Anyway the day was great, i came home from work tired but happy for some reason. My mom was out and about doing her own things and for a second she steps out to smoke a cigarette. My dad comes home happy because he had a lot of business that day, but as he comes home he steps on my cats tail and all you hear thorughout the whole house is a loud shriek, the usual of what happens when someone steps on our cats tail. All hell breaks loose with that shriek. My mom rushes in the house hitting my dad because he got furious at the cat and attempted to kick it. They yell and argue for the next 30 minutes. Im stuck in the middle and I can not even ask for a sandwich (I had to make it myself :/) because everyone was in a bad mood. All because of a damn cat. So who should i put the blame on here? My mom for being such a caring person (too caring), my father for having such a temper with the cat and trying to kick it, or the damn cat which should not of been standing by the doorway in the first place. Ugh.
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