It's only hair...right?

Snip Snip Snip. I watched small curly pieces of my hair fall onto the smock. Normally when Ms. Pat, my hair dresser, cut my hair I do not worry, but today was a different story. See, I had already only had about 1 inch of hair to begin with, so this time was extremely scary. Conveniently, she faces the chair away from the mirror, so i have no idea what I am in store for when I turn around.​ Snip Snip Snip *pause to get bigger scissors* "You got to be kidding me" I though. Snip Snip. This goes on for another 10 mins. When she turns me around *silence* I have no hair. Ok, that's an exaggeration, but it's very close to it. I couldn't believe she would main me like this. I have trusted this women for years, and then she does this. As she messes with it, she says in her thick Trinidadian accent, "I looks real good. We gon grow it natural and then for prom we fix it up...ok?"
"Ok" I replied. Not Ok! I  was completely devastated. I went into the small bathroom and tried to convince myself that life in prison is not worth a couple inches of hair.
After I paid her and left, I got into my mom's car and let it all out. "I'M BALD!"
"No, you're not" she says.
"Do you see this...?" I replied as I looked at her long thick locks that I immediately  became jealous of.
"It looks cute, plus it's only hair" At that moment all my whining and complaining stopped. She was completely right (which is a rare thing), it's only hair. This had been my mantra for the past couple of months since I cut my hair. I guess I forgot it when I realized I had no 'hair' to say 'it's only' to.
When I got home I spent about 30 minutes in the mirror, trying to make it 'work' for me. After awhile a gave up, cause once again I realized it's only hair.
