It happened

I left the bathroom stall and waited for my friend, Heather, to come out. I stood in front of the mirror like any teenage girl, messing with my hair and lip gloss.  After 5 minutes, I realized she wasn't in a stall, so I walked outside to look for her.  I soon realized that she wasn't in the amusement park at all! In fact, none of the group was. I quickly called Vernon to find out what had happened.  After missing my call, he called me back.

"Uh, who's this?
"Vernon, it's Taylor."
"Taylor who? Oh right. Why are you calling me from-" I heard a muffled sound as he turned around in the car to look for me. "Oh." "OOHHH!"

They were pulling out of the parking lot, never noticing that I wasn't there. I was almost left in an amusement park and that's how it happened. 
