Izzys Me Magizine slide

Izzys Me Mag Slide (1)

When my slide was critiqued on my slides I learned many things. My group helped me realize that my bottom slide was too stretched out. I also learned that I shouldn’t just se basic fonts. Finally I learned that I should always make sure to prepare before a presentation the hard way. I also heard that I should speak up a little more when I present.

With the critiques I received started to edit my slide. I took away the Quito and Philly labels because they took away from the presentation. I also changed the front because I felt that front didn't represent me.  I also tried to un stretch the image but that didn't work out. I also made my text bigger because it was too small. I finally added a black border to make the photos pop.

As I look back on this assignment I have realized that research definitely made my slide better. Not only was I able to make my slide look more presentable but I was also able to understand their reasons why it looked presentable. For example I never knew about the rule of 3’s before this project. I feel that you should always be able to have a thorough understanding of what you researched. I used two main  sources for this project. One was my friends, I asked them for their recommendations and sometimes definitions. I also used an essay by Zach Holman
