There is a lot to say about this film is it's goodness and needs in improvement (primarily everything that Herman suggested). I enjoyed this film once in Herman's class and once in Rami's. I see a great story line, great characters and acting, and overall, great skill with angles, movements, focus, and effects. I would not be surprised to see this film go far with "Paranoia" from this school in the film festival, should this and Paranoia be entered.
I liked a lot about this film, it's a bit hard on time to list my comments, but I see areas of improvement that I should share with the group. Character development could have been explored more in this film. We know who each character is fairly okay, but who are they exactly? We don't know much about Ryan, Jason, and we especially don't know much about Gil and Anwar, let alone the relationship with Ryan and Gil in the film. This is my biggest suggestion, Herman and class covered just about everything else.
Awesome movie, one of the best I have ever seen and seen so far. Keep up the great work.
Oh, and the video doesn't work. It plays until Ryan's part then cuts out.
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