Journal Entries

At the beginning of some classes, we would be given a prompt on the board that we had to answer in our journal entries. These prompts could vary from asking why people write, to if we have ever done something with a group we were ashamed of.

Why do we write?                                                                                                       11/24/10


            We write because writing expresses what messages we want to give to the world, whether they are expressed in a serious or a comical way, we can give these messages even if we believe them or not. Other than that, there are many other reasons we write, if we want to write a story, to complete an assignment in school, or to get something on paper and off our mind. Everyone can write, even people who are illiterate, because writing to me is less the physical act of putting words on paper, but more an act of self expression, like art, or music.


Is it important to you to fit in? Have you ever done anything as part of a group that you’re ashamed of?                                                                                                                       12/2/10


            It isn’t that important to me to fit in, I don’t want to be completely excluded from a group, but I don’t want to be the same as everyone else either. I have never done anything as part of a group that I have regretted later, and I think that fitting in is important because people want to feel wanted.


What makes someone an adult? Do you ever finish growing up?                                  1/25/11


            I think that what defines someone as an adult is maturity. Just because you are over 18, doesn’t mean you are mature. You are never finished growing up, you are constantly learning and growing.


What are some expectations set on you by others? How do these compare to expectations you put on yourself?                                                                                    4/5/11


            Expectations put upon me by others are that I do well in school. I expect myself to do this also, but I also expect my self to do well in things other than academics. These expectations are somewhat different, because I expect more from myself than others expect from me.
