Journal Entry #40

Monthly Review Press, New York 1972

Pg. 19-20

"They prove that colonization, I repeat, dehumanizes even the most civilized man that colonial activity, colonial enterprise, colonial conquest, which is based to contempt for the native and justified by that contempt, inevitably tends to change him who undertakes it; that the colonizer, who I order to ease his conscience gets into the habit of seeing the other  man as an animal  accustoms himself to treating him like an animal, and tends objectively to transform himself into an animal."

Amie Cesaire, I agree with everything this man says. He simply takes his idea of colonozation and exaggerates it to get the attention of the audience. No, excuse my language he unrefines it and removes the commonly used word "settlers" inorder to portray crudely how evil colonization is, was, and always will be. This does not only pertain to past even in our histories, but places that are being overthrown today. And you can no tame the untamable unless you become untamable also.

"Colonialism is influenced by racism." 
