
Benchmark Journal 1


(aside) I have rubbed this young quat almost to the sense,

And he grows angry. Now, whether he kill Cassio

Or Cassio him, or each do kill the other,

Every way makes my gain. Live Roderigo,

He calls me to a restitution large

Of gold and jewels that I bobbed from him

As gifts to Desdemona.

It must not be. If Cassio do remain

He hath a daily beauty in his life

That makes me ugly. And besides, the Moor

May unfold me to him—there stand I in much peril.

No, he must die. But so, I hear him coming.

  In this soliloquy, Iago is talking to himself. Iago is talking himself likes he really worried, and scared about what things that can happen. He wants Cassio and Roderigo to kill each other, but if they survive he's going to be worried about them. If Cassio and Roderigo dies it would favor him and his life. Iago feels scared about the golds and jewels that he stole Roderigo. He scared about the beauty in Cassio life would make him look ugly and out of his place. Also he’s worried, because the Moor might unfold him to Cassio which would make him more scared. So Iago wants Cassio to die as long with Roderigo.

Benchmark Journal 2


 In Act. 5. Scene. 2, Othello was in a room with Desdemona talking about the handkerchief, and what happened to it. Othello then decides to smothers Desdemona, and while smothering and talking to her he begin hearing voices and it was Emilia. Emilia says, "My lord, my lord? What ho! My lord, my lord!" When she says, this Othello thinks its Desdemona. Emilia then comes in, and sends the message to Othello telling him Cassio killed a young venetian called Roderigo. Emilia then hears a voice, and its the voice of Desdemona saying, "O falsely, falsely murdered." Emilia is then worried and see Othello smothering Desdemona. Desdemona tells Emilia that no one killed her but herself before she died but Emilia believes Othello did it. 

Benchmark Journal 3


Hello my name is Othello. I be going through a lot my whole life. I lost my father when I was born. I was being raised by a single mother with one sibling I would have to take care all the time. I watched my mother struggle trying to get us money and put food on the table. One day I was traveling through my home town and saw the love of my life. We begin to talk, she said her name was “Desdemona”, and I look into her eyes and knew she was going to be the love of my life.

Benchmark Journal 4

  During the performance as Othello I am bringing out a furious act in Othello. He will sound very angry act moments during the scene, and also act very confused on whats going on. He gets on his knees looking to the sky with an angry emotion. He also grabs Iago during the scene to show his angry.  Othello also clutches his heart while talking in the scene like he heartbroken about something he found out. A prop, or costume I will have in my scene is a cape and a sword. Things thats would make my group presentation is the actions that happens during the scene, or the way we talk out and show emotion.

Benchmark Journal 5

     In scene 5 Othello and Iago, is talking about Othello love Desdomona. Iago and trying to prove he seen Desdomona with the handkerchief, and Cassio wipe his beard with it. While they still talk about it Othello gets mad, and more mad and takes his angry out on Cassio, and let his words follows his action. During the scene Othello says, "Now, by yond marble heaven, within these three days let me hear thee say that Cassio's not alive."  This line was important to the line, because with the believing of the Desdomona, handkerchief, and the Cassio, Othello wanted Cassio to be dead. During the play I deliver this line in a angry voice because Othello actually wants to happen. My group performance went as expected and planned. We brought in all the props we were going to bring in. We did the actions that were going to do during the whole scene. We changed the voice of or character, and made it seem actually real so the audience can image it really happening while looking at our scene. Now that its over Im proud of all the hard work I put in the scene by actually trying to follow and image that I was the actual character. Now that its over I would have tried to act like a different Othello to see how it would had flowed during the scene. The performing of the play changed my understanding, because it was way different seeing the play then reading it and now I understand what was going on during them different scenes by watching it.
