Karen Ossowski Capstone

A frame from the animation I was working on at school.
A frame from the animation I was working on at school.

For my 2020 Senior Year Capstone, I knew I wanted to do animation because it was the only thing that I could think of to get a book I write in 10th grade into the world. When coming into this project, I knew I had to do some research on how to animation, that, and advice from Mr. Ugworji, After trying and trying to learn about animation, soaking in all the information I could, I started the animation. When I say that I learned about animation, it wasn’t as much as you think. The thing about animation is that everyone has a different way of doing it. When I started, it was time-consuming and hard, I kept going, doing my work in school when the coronavirus happened. While the world stopped, you can guess what also stopped. That’s right, my capstone. It was too late to change my capstone, but I couldn’t create the animation anymore, I didn’t have my teacher to teach me, and I didn’t have the right tools to do it. I don’t mean physical tools, I mean no way of knowing what I was doing. I will say that this was a very good learning experience and was a great opportunity to learn some stuff. I learned a lot about how to animate, mainly facts, and what to do when you are animating. I also learned a lot about time management, I wasn’t that great at it, but I got the hang of it pretty quickly. I am very grateful that I did this and got to do this, I wouldn’t change a thing about this year or this capstone.

Here is my Bibliography: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1En_a41hUadPE8Zf6BXoYf8v-KfFDHwpqL2g_9_ZcC9Y/edit?usp=sharing

And I have my book here: https://docs.google.com/document/d/12FOtvwl7OKFjdSoEkvVu2mVQp_ONIz_NfgxBMAd5aDQ/edit?usp=sharing
