Here's how you say the days of the week in Spanish:
lunes- Monday
martes- Tuesday
miercoles- Wednesday
jueves- Thursday
viernes- Friday
sabado- Saturday
domingo- Sunday
*Notice that the days of the week in spanish are not capitalized.
When asking someone what day it is, you say "Que dia es hoy?"
-Karly Bornstein
Karly and Lexy teach you Spanish
Asking Someone the Day of the Week
Seeing your friend/ someone you know in the hallway
If you accidentally bump into someone
Video to help:
Seeing your friend/ someone you know in the hallway
To greet someone you first start with "Hola". Also, to be more polite and you can ask how are you : "Que tal?" or "Como va?" The formal way to ask someone how they are is Como esta?" The informal is way "Como estas?"Lastly, to say goodbye to someone, you can say, "Adios!", "Chao!", "Hasta lugeo!" (See ya later!) or "Hasta pronto!" (See ya soon!)
-Karly Bornstein
-Karly Bornstein
If you accidentally bump into someone
Here are the ways to have proper manners when speaking Spanish:
To say thank you, you simply say "Gracias" If you want to say thanks a lot you would say "Muchas Gracias" or "Mil Gracias" which means thanks a million. There are three ways to say your welcome: "De nada", "Por nada", and "No hay de que". To say please, it is "Por favor". When it comes to saying excuse me, there are also three different ways to say it, but each way is appropriate for different times. If someone is standing in your way, you tell then "Con permiso". To try to get someones attention, it is "Discuple". If you actually bump into someone it is, "Perdon".
-Karly Bornstein
To say thank you, you simply say "Gracias" If you want to say thanks a lot you would say "Muchas Gracias" or "Mil Gracias" which means thanks a million. There are three ways to say your welcome: "De nada", "Por nada", and "No hay de que". To say please, it is "Por favor". When it comes to saying excuse me, there are also three different ways to say it, but each way is appropriate for different times. If someone is standing in your way, you tell then "Con permiso". To try to get someones attention, it is "Discuple". If you actually bump into someone it is, "Perdon".
-Karly Bornstein
Socializing at a Party
Basic Conversation Questions:
Q:Where are you from? - De Dònde eres (Ud./tù)?
A:I'm from____ - Soy de ____
Q:How old are you? - (Informal) Cuàntos años tienes (tù)? [or] (Formal) Cuàntos años tiene (Ud.)?
A:I’m ____ years old - Tengo ____ años
Q:When’s your birthday? - Cuàndo es tù cumpleaños?
A:My birthday is____ - Mi cumpleaños es____(Go to Writing the Date on your documents on the blog for help to finish the phrase)
While Socializing at a Party:
You can ask the questions above. You might be able to make a new friend! It might help to use the other sections of this blog to keep the conversation going.
-Lexy Babcock
Basic Conversation Questions:
Q:Where are you from? - De Dònde eres (Ud./tù)?
A:I'm from____ - Soy de ____
Q:How old are you? - (Informal) Cuàntos años tienes (tù)? [or] (Formal) Cuàntos años tiene (Ud.)?
A:I’m ____ years old - Tengo ____ años
Q:When’s your birthday? - Cuàndo es tù cumpleaños?
A:My birthday is____ - Mi cumpleaños es____(Go to Writing the Date on your documents on the blog for help to finish the phrase)
While Socializing at a Party:
You can ask the questions above. You might be able to make a new friend! It might help to use the other sections of this blog to keep the conversation going.
-Lexy Babcock
Writing down the date on your documents
When asking the date, use these questions:
What is the date? - Cual es la fecha?
What is today's dates? - Cual es la fecha de hoy
What is tomorrow's date? - Cual es la fecha de mañana?
When responding, use these fraces(phrases):
Hoy es el numero de mes month - It's the (number) of (month)
Ex.: Hoy es el 4 de mes julio - It's the 4th of July
Spanish/ English/ Number
enero/ January/ 1
febrero/ February/ 2
marzo/ March/ 3
abril/ April/ 4
mayo/ May/ 5
junio/ June/ 6
julio/ July/ 7
agosto/ August/ 8
septiembre/ September/ 9
octubre/October/ 10
noviembre/ November/ 11
diciembre/ December/ 12
Numbers for the days: (to help write the date)
English/ Spanish
one/ uno
two/ dos
three/ tres
four/ cuatro
five/ cinco
six/ seis
seven/ siete
eight/ ocho
nine/ nueve
ten/ diez
eleven/ once
twelve/ doce
thirteen/ trece
fourteen/ catorce
fifteen/ quince
sixteen/ dieciseis
seventeen/ diecisiete
eighteen/ dieciocho
nineteen/ diecinueve
twenty/ veinte
twenty-one/ veintiuno
twenty-two/ veintidos
twenty-three/ veintitres
twenty-four/ venticuatro
twenty-five/ veinticinco
twenty-six/ veintiseis
twenty-seven/ veintisiete
twenty-eight/ veintiocho
twenty-nine/ veintinueve
thirty/ treinta
thirty-one/ treinta y uno
[note: In English we format the date in this order: Month/Day/Year; however, in Spanish we format it in a Day/Month/Year structure]
When your writing a document and your required to write the date,
use this form: Day/Month/Year
[in English, we write the date as Month/Day/Year ; it's different in Spanish]
Ex. (English) 10/31/10
Ex. (Spanish) 31/10/10
-Lexy Babcock
When asking the date, use these questions:
What is the date? - Cual es la fecha?
What is today's dates? - Cual es la fecha de hoy
What is tomorrow's date? - Cual es la fecha de mañana?
When responding, use these fraces(phrases):
Hoy es el numero de mes month - It's the (number) of (month)
Ex.: Hoy es el 4 de mes julio - It's the 4th of July
Spanish/ English/ Number
enero/ January/ 1
febrero/ February/ 2
marzo/ March/ 3
abril/ April/ 4
mayo/ May/ 5
junio/ June/ 6
julio/ July/ 7
agosto/ August/ 8
septiembre/ September/ 9
octubre/October/ 10
noviembre/ November/ 11
diciembre/ December/ 12
Numbers for the days: (to help write the date)
English/ Spanish
one/ uno
two/ dos
three/ tres
four/ cuatro
five/ cinco
six/ seis
seven/ siete
eight/ ocho
nine/ nueve
ten/ diez
eleven/ once
twelve/ doce
thirteen/ trece
fourteen/ catorce
fifteen/ quince
sixteen/ dieciseis
seventeen/ diecisiete
eighteen/ dieciocho
nineteen/ diecinueve
twenty/ veinte
twenty-one/ veintiuno
twenty-two/ veintidos
twenty-three/ veintitres
twenty-four/ venticuatro
twenty-five/ veinticinco
twenty-six/ veintiseis
twenty-seven/ veintisiete
twenty-eight/ veintiocho
twenty-nine/ veintinueve
thirty/ treinta
thirty-one/ treinta y uno
[note: In English we format the date in this order: Month/Day/Year; however, in Spanish we format it in a Day/Month/Year structure]
When your writing a document and your required to write the date,
use this form: Day/Month/Year
[in English, we write the date as Month/Day/Year ; it's different in Spanish]
Ex. (English) 10/31/10
Ex. (Spanish) 31/10/10
-Lexy Babcock
Spelling your name
-Lexy Babcock
Before you are able to spell words or sing the alphabet, you must understand the pronunciation of each letter. It helps to practice until you're able to grasp each pronunciation. Knowing the pattern and pronunciation of letters will help in future conversations.
Spelling your name is easy, fun, and simple after knowing background knowledge of letters (like pronunciation). First, learn these:
Letter: Pronunciation
Spelling your name is easy, fun, and simple after knowing background knowledge of letters (like pronunciation). First, learn these:
Letter: Pronunciation
A | Ah |
B | Beh |
C | Seh |
CH | Cheh |
D | Deh |
E | Eh |
F | Efeh |
G | Heh |
H | Ah-cheh |
I | Eee |
J | Ho-ta |
K | Ka |
L | eleh |
LL | Elleh |
M | Emeh |
N | Eneh |
Enyeh | |
O | Oh |
P | Peh |
Q | Cooooo |
R | Ereh |
S | Eseh |
T | Teh |
U | Ooo |
V | Veh |
W | Dobleh veh |
X | Eh-quis |
Y | Eee gree-eh-gah |
Z | Zetah |
-Lexy Babcock
Video to help:
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