Keystone XL Pipeline Monologue Project
For the past two weeks, our class has been devoted to learning about the Keystone Pipeline Proposal. The Keystone Pipeline will run from Canada to Texas, using Canadian Tar-sands as the new North American resource for energy. The pipeline has brought controversy and conflict between politicians and environmentalists. The pipeline has become such a big deal that it has come up in the Presidential Election. The politicians in support of the pipeline say that because Canada is an ally and the fact that the tar-sands do not have to travel overseas, that oil will be cheaper, there will be more jobs and that the economy will be better. Environmentalists that are not in support of the pipeline say that the Tar-sands will create a "game-over" situation for the environment. My project, was to create three monologues, with three different opinons on the tar-sands and Americans and their relationship with the environment in general. I wrote as a teenager against the pipeline, a politician at a press conference endorsing the pipeline, and Mother Earth herself. Before you watch this video I strongly suggest looking over some facts that I have provided, I hope you enjoy.
It’s politics
Hello, I would like thank the everyone at this press conference for allowing me to endorse the pipelines. We, the American people have been in an economic downfall for the past 4 years. Pipeline creates plenty of jobs for our American people. We deserve to spend no more than 3 dollars a gallon on oil for our cars, our homes, and our stoves. This is our chance to get back to greatness. This is clean energy, cheap energy, job creating energy to power our country back on top of the economic food chain. For those fearing that this too new and too risky, there are over 200,000 similar smaller pipelines all throughout the U.S. of A.
TransCanada seems to agree with the plan that will create thousands and possibly millions of jobs that will bring the unemployment rate down. Canada has also been using similar pipes for more than 50 years. This new possible project will be powered by the 0.1%. 0.1% meaning that 0.1% of Canada’s forests will be affected by mining. 0.1% pollution will be created by the Canadian tarsands. This is an incredible opprotunity! I will open up the field to questions from the press now. Fire away!
Well good question sir, for those of us who are on the fence about the tarsands and the enviornment, this is a clean american energy, to heat our american homes and to create american jobs. This is will solve our issues with the middle east, this will bring less conflict and less dependence on other countries.
Another good question, this is AMERICAN ENERGY. Not as much travel as foreign energy, it all makes sense. This energy is clea-.
How is it clean you ask? Well the tarsands are accessed through drilling, then they are watered down and fed throughout the 17,000 mile long pipe. No, no, no, no, no, the chance of the pipes leaking fluid are slim to none. As I stated before, there are over 200,000 similar smaller pipelines all throughout the U.S.
I am not familiar to that study, no it will not be game over for the U. S. environment. Hell, China is so polluted that its hard to see through the smog. The tarsands aren't an awful air pollutant. Look how well China is doing.
*phone buzzes, from rep*
I would like to thank the press, and God bless america
Mother nature
I have been pulled apart, drilled, pounded and stomped on. I've been bombed and beaten, driven on and through and now, just when I thought I was paved down, smoothed and filed the most. I'm getting drilled into again, near my head this time. Its like humans are performing surgery on my brain. Taking away my lifeblood, they are are forming an artificial artery that will go from my neck to my stomach, because they are tired of giving me blood transfusions from my arms to my chest.
Its not cleansing me its dirty I'm sick and tired of coughing, the air that surrounds me cloudy and muddy and I'm grasping for fresh air. Its funny to think that what you created is destroying you. Well what I created is destroying me, taking advantage of me. I made a monster. These humans are monsters.
Permission slip.
Mom! Mom!
I really need to tell you something! Mom listen.
I need to go to this rally tomorrow, like I NEED TO GO TO THIS RALLY !
Its about these tarsands, you know the ones that we heard Mitt Romney endorse, you see its going to be game over for our environment if President Obama supports it. My teacher is from Canada and they use tarsands there too, its not as clean as you think it is.
Mom, just because it will create jobs doesn't mean its the right thing to do. I know this won't affect you, but it will effect me and my kids, and my kid's kid's. We, as people have destroyed this earth with every innovation we have made since the beginning of time. I want our country to treat the earth as kind as the earth has treated us. Mom, mom I need to go to this rally. Mom I don't give a damn about class tomorrow, how am I supposed to care. Mom you're in denial about the fact that the pipeline is running through our town. They, they didn't tell you yet? Mom, this town is small, one piece of the pipe breaks and our town, the streets, the shops and the roads are gone. I need to help strengthen the voice of my generation. Like I said before it doesn't affect you, it affects me. My kids, and my kids kids. Just sign the slip.
It’s politics
Hello, I would like thank the everyone at this press conference for allowing me to endorse the pipelines. We, the American people have been in an economic downfall for the past 4 years. Pipeline creates plenty of jobs for our American people. We deserve to spend no more than 3 dollars a gallon on oil for our cars, our homes, and our stoves. This is our chance to get back to greatness. This is clean energy, cheap energy, job creating energy to power our country back on top of the economic food chain. For those fearing that this too new and too risky, there are over 200,000 similar smaller pipelines all throughout the U.S. of A.
TransCanada seems to agree with the plan that will create thousands and possibly millions of jobs that will bring the unemployment rate down. Canada has also been using similar pipes for more than 50 years. This new possible project will be powered by the 0.1%. 0.1% meaning that 0.1% of Canada’s forests will be affected by mining. 0.1% pollution will be created by the Canadian tarsands. This is an incredible opprotunity! I will open up the field to questions from the press now. Fire away!
Well good question sir, for those of us who are on the fence about the tarsands and the enviornment, this is a clean american energy, to heat our american homes and to create american jobs. This is will solve our issues with the middle east, this will bring less conflict and less dependence on other countries.
Another good question, this is AMERICAN ENERGY. Not as much travel as foreign energy, it all makes sense. This energy is clea-.
How is it clean you ask? Well the tarsands are accessed through drilling, then they are watered down and fed throughout the 17,000 mile long pipe. No, no, no, no, no, the chance of the pipes leaking fluid are slim to none. As I stated before, there are over 200,000 similar smaller pipelines all throughout the U.S.
I am not familiar to that study, no it will not be game over for the U. S. environment. Hell, China is so polluted that its hard to see through the smog. The tarsands aren't an awful air pollutant. Look how well China is doing.
*phone buzzes, from rep*
I would like to thank the press, and God bless america
Mother nature
I have been pulled apart, drilled, pounded and stomped on. I've been bombed and beaten, driven on and through and now, just when I thought I was paved down, smoothed and filed the most. I'm getting drilled into again, near my head this time. Its like humans are performing surgery on my brain. Taking away my lifeblood, they are are forming an artificial artery that will go from my neck to my stomach, because they are tired of giving me blood transfusions from my arms to my chest.
Its not cleansing me its dirty I'm sick and tired of coughing, the air that surrounds me cloudy and muddy and I'm grasping for fresh air. Its funny to think that what you created is destroying you. Well what I created is destroying me, taking advantage of me. I made a monster. These humans are monsters.
Permission slip.
Mom! Mom!
I really need to tell you something! Mom listen.
I need to go to this rally tomorrow, like I NEED TO GO TO THIS RALLY !
Its about these tarsands, you know the ones that we heard Mitt Romney endorse, you see its going to be game over for our environment if President Obama supports it. My teacher is from Canada and they use tarsands there too, its not as clean as you think it is.
Mom, just because it will create jobs doesn't mean its the right thing to do. I know this won't affect you, but it will effect me and my kids, and my kid's kid's. We, as people have destroyed this earth with every innovation we have made since the beginning of time. I want our country to treat the earth as kind as the earth has treated us. Mom, mom I need to go to this rally. Mom I don't give a damn about class tomorrow, how am I supposed to care. Mom you're in denial about the fact that the pipeline is running through our town. They, they didn't tell you yet? Mom, this town is small, one piece of the pipe breaks and our town, the streets, the shops and the roads are gone. I need to help strengthen the voice of my generation. Like I said before it doesn't affect you, it affects me. My kids, and my kids kids. Just sign the slip.
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