Keystone XL Pipeline Voices

In class we recently learned about and were informed about the keystone pipeline project. According to all of the videos we have seen and things we have read about in class there is still a big decision to make based on weather or not the pipeline will actually be built. Disagreements about this are mainly about the health of this environment if the pipeline is built, and the fact that we would be missing out on extra money and having more energy if the pipeline isn’t built. Our assignment was to create monologues based on different peoples opinions. My partner and I choose to base ours on an environmental protectionist, single parent, president Obama, an Exxon worker, and finally a man trying to decide if he wants to move his family. Only one of the people we wrote as was for the Keystone Pipeline and that was the Exxon worker. This project required further thinking and for us to think as someone other then ourselves. When preparing our monologues we made sure we put details and smaller stories into why or why not the people we decided to write as were for or against the Keystone pipeline.





The Decision of a Single Parent


   Raising four kids on my own and I can’t get a job. Their father is deadbeat, I can’t afford childcare and the kids are too young to stay home alone. So you want to run a pipeline through my yard. Well I don’t know what to say to that. I understand that if this change goes through more jobs will open up and maybe I could be able to support my family. Then again I hear all the bad things that will come along with this pipeline. What would happen to me? What would happen to my children? What would happen to this environment? I think its wrong for me to be selfish and just think about myself and how I wish to be employed. I believe the construction of a pipeline would be both dangerous and unhealthy for the environment. Better yet why would I do that to my children. Our backyard is the only safe place they have to play. If a pipeline is built through my yard then they have no free space to enjoy themselves and play outside. I did some research on the possible damages and bad things that could come with this pipeline and it has been brought to my attention that the oil isn’t even clean, If the oil isn’t clean we are better off without it. I also realized that we would be spending more money than we will actually be making, For the sake of the environment myself and my children I am against the tar sands act.


Keystone Pipeline Decision

Hello my name is Samuel Wickerson and I am an environmental protectionist. What I’m here to discuss with you today is production of the keystone XL pipeline. There’s no second guessing that I am against this and I feel this could be the big final piece to destruction. If one leak happens it could cause major harm to our environment, our wildlife, and us included. I mean for people who’s houses will be directly under the pipeline. Themselves and their family will be breathing in Co2 admission if a leak occurs and who wants there wife, there kids, the people they care for breathing in things you shouldn’t. My brother is actually working on this project as one of the constructers so I know mostly the full detail of there plan. He constantly tends to say how the technology we have is advanced to the point where it’s highly inaccurate that a leak will occur, sure there may be a low possibility that a leak will happen but there’s still the chance there taking and that 1 chance can affect the earth we live on today. I feel we should just stick to what were doing and get oil from our allies. It’s a lot safer and a lot more reliable.  Sure it will open job for thousands of people but what’s so good about jobs if u don’t have a earth to work on to do this job? I feel that if we don’t start taking better care of this place we live on its going to crumble right beneath our feets and were going to look back and ask what went wrong and my response to that would be The Keystone XL pipeline and many other issues.








My Decision as the President..


  As of now my fellow Americans I understand that you feel I have a really big Decision to make. I totally understand your frustrations but I am doing the best I can to decide weather or not the tar sands pipeline will be good or bad for the country. I see you all protesting outside of the White House and just know all of the arrest were totally out of my hand and were not by my order. Back to the matter at hand I have equally listened to both sides of this disagreement about the pipelines. Yes I have looked into it. There are many benefits as well as bad things that would come along with the pipeline. Some Benefits that could come along with this situation are more jobs, better income, if we have better income we could have more schools. To those of you who are already wealthy and have good jobs this may not really mean anything to you or you may feel this wouldn’t affect you any differently. But, we cannot not neglect everyone else. In my eyes each and every one of you matter. I know I cant make everyone happy but I will do what is right. The down falls to this project are mainly environmental issues. Nothings perfect. A pipeline this huge possibly leaking oil would not be a good sight at all. Also this pipeline is planned to be built over our main source of water. That is a problem for both our health as a nation and the environment as well. This topic requires a lot of thinking. Until then God Bless America.


Family Matters


( goes to door and picks up mail. Reads through mail and receives a letter from keystone.” Hello Mr. Turner the letter you have now received is on the keystone XL pipeline. There is a proposal for it to be produced currently and if this is passed the pipeline shall be directly under your home. We are sorry for the inconvience but this pipeline shall not affect your daily life. If the proposal does go through we do appreciate your cooperation. Sincerely, Keystone )


I’m so confused about the decision of wether I should move me and my family to safety, or to stay here and put up with this pipelineI’ve lived in this god forsaken home for over 20 years and am raising my 8 yr old son and 11 yr old daughter here and I feel that moving them isn’t the best option but the safety of my wife and my children is what matters at this moment and having my kids coming  from school my wife coming from work breathing in Co2 admission every single day… I refuse to have my family suffer because of some idiotic oil. How do you think you can just put a pipeline right under my home. I am outraged by this proposal but at the same time I feel that there isn’t much I can do as one person so maybe the best is to just move..



Who wouldn’t take this offer !

Hello my name is Tom Jones and i am the president of Exxon. I am here to speak on the discussion of the keystone XL pipeline. I am for this pipeline due to the fact that it would be beneficial to the U.S. One good reason is this Pipeline will provide thousands of jobs for the people out of work. Also the U.S. needs oil and we cant always rely on our on Allies for oil because of the fact that if there was some type of conflict between the two of us they could stop transferring oil over to us and then we would basically be “screwed”  I admit i do see the downside to this, yes there is a possibility of a leak from the pipe and that can release Co2 admission into the air but the chances of a like are fairly  UNLIKELY due to the fact that by the technology we have today the chances are fairly low. Also this will open up thousands of jobs for the unemployed. And lots of people need jobs in the economy we live in today so this is highly beneficial. This also gives  us the ability of being independent when it comes to getting oil. We don’t have to constantly rely on allies to supply us with oil. I feel that not taking this oil is an idiotic move on our part because if we don’t snatch it up someone else will and then we’ll be the ones still having to get it from allies and who knows when that might cease. I feel lets take this opportunity while we still can the U.S can make money from this and God knows we need the money so Take it while its good!


By: Brent Scott/Ananda Knight
