La Hora (the time) (April, Sarah-Charlotte, Vannary)
- To ask the time you can say, "¿Que hora es?," "¿Que hora son?," or "¿Que hora tiene?" (What is the time?)
- To answer, "It is one o'clock," say "Es la una."
- to answer if it is later than one, say, "Son las (dos, tres, cuatro...)
- to say minuets after the hour use the following
- (es el x/son las x ) y cuarto = quarter after (x)
- (es el x/son las x) y media = half past (x)
- (es el x/son las x) menos cuarto = quarter till (x)
- after "menos cuarto", use "menos" (minus) the amount of minuetes till the hour.
- before "menos cuarto," use "y" (and) the amount of minutes after the hour.
- morning, noon and night
- to say the time is at morning you would say, (the time...) "de los dia"
- to say the time is in the afternoon you would say, (the time...) "de los tarde"
- to say the time is at night, you would say, (the time...) "de los noche"
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