La rutina

What did you learn from doing this project? (skills, life lessons, words etc)
I feel as though in doing this project, i learned how to talk about my daily routine. So now if someone spoke spanish and wanted to know what i do during the day, i can tell them. 

How do you feel about your final product?
I feel as though the final product is really well done, i like how it looks and i think that the music, video, and just everything is well done. I am proud of it. 

If you could do your project all over again, what would you do differently/the same?
Next time i would try and get better lighting when recording to produce better quality recording. That and maybe add a few more things during the day. 

Did you enjoy this project? Why or why not?
I did enjoy this project to a degree, it wasn't the most exciting project because, well i am not sure, it just wasn't. However, it wasn't terrible to do. 
