La Soltera: By NaQuan Harding, Bernicia Guercio, & Kenisha Hood
What was the assignment? What did your group decide to do and why?
For the project, we had to use what we knew about the past perfect tense and the use of ser and estar in order to create a podcast or a video involving relationships. For our group, we've decided to do a little parody of The Bachelorette because it would allow us to describe ourselves using ser and estar, as well as letting use the past perfect tense.
What did you learn from
doing this project?
I learned how to use ser and estar better in conversation. I even learned that I was using ser wrong a lot in the past, so it helped me fix that. I also grew a bit more comfortable speaking in Spanish for extended lengths of time, even if it was all scripted. I felt more natural, basically.
How do you feel about your final product?
Given my initial feelings about parodying a show I've never nor will ever watch, I think I did well, but I think we could've done better. For instance, instead of having a video recording of us actually having a conversation, we just taped us pretending to talk, and then put a separate audio recording of us actually talking over it. Stuff like that is always obvious to see, and I think we could've done an actual recording if we had enough time and practice.
If you could do your project all over again, what would you do differently/the same?
I think I'd sharpen the dialogue so that it sounded more natural and flowing, as well as give a bit more emotion behind my character. Since the final recordings took place right before it was due, I sort of rushed through it.
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