Lauren Matthews Capstone
For my capstone project, I designed and decorated the venue for the Second Annual Black Student Union Gala. My main goal was to include the SLA community with the decorating process so I contacted the Community Involvement Club and asked for volunteers. I had more than 20 volunteers decorating the space so the decorating didn’t take too much time. There was a total of 22 tables and 240 chairs to decorate. My goal was to decorate the event under three hours and it took two hours. The colors of the design came from the Pan- African colors, which represent liberation, unity, and growth. The overall decoration was a success. I learned most importantly involving the SLA community keeps everyone more connected with their peers and makes them more a part of club events. Seeing students from different grades come together and work as a team made me feel proud because there are little opportunities where upperclassmen may interact with the underclassmen. It has taught me that the relationships created with my SLA peers expand more than inside the hallways. This project would have not been pieced together if it had not been for the help of each volunteer.
Anon, (2019). [online] Available at: [Accessed 26 Jan. 2019]. This PDF article tells about the importances of parent involvement for education purposes. This article was selected because it gives factual evidence to support the correlation of academic performance and parent - community partnerships. I will use this article to support the overall goal of presentation piece, which is to create more relationships between the scholars and the academic community. I will also focus on the collaboration aspect of working together to design the Gala to welcome everyone. (2019). [online] Available at: [Accessed 26 Jan. 2019].
This PDF article focuses on the implications for family school relations. I choose this article to discuss the main aspects of the SLA community and Ben Franklin HIgh school relationship dues to the move. Using this article, it helps me understand how school partnerships so that students are well respected and more comfortable within their communities. The Gala will bring schools together to share a voice for minorities and school organizations.
BSU Organizations (2019). The Early History of the UW Black Student Union - Seattle Civil Rights and Labor History Project. [online] Available at: [Accessed 26 Jan. 2019]. This website gives me insight on the early actions of BSU and the foundations of Black empowerment. The Gala doesn’t just focus on certain black cultures but to consider recognizing advocacy outreach within different cultures. This website helps me with creating a theme for the Gala for the different cultures found in the different school communities. Also using this website I will include comprehension on why SLA BSU was created and the legacy left behind for minorities in school communities.
Health Outreach Partners. (2019). How Outreach Programs Can Improve Health Outcomes - Health Outreach Partners. [online] Available at: [Accessed 26 Jan. 2019]. This article explain the health outcomes based on outreach programs. I choose this article to help support the benefits of outreach programs and the positive effects on health. I will use this article when explaining the reasoning why outreach programs affect how relationships are affected in social skills and community empowerment. Social skill empowerment helps students feel more ready for real world interactions with peers or in a career. It also created more comfortability within a neighborhood. The relationships I hope to create within the parents and students will encourage students to be more confident in creations for school related activities. Academic Impressions. (2019). Tips for Outreach to Area High Schools - Academic Impressions. [online] Available at: [Accessed 26 Jan. 2019]. This article talks about focusing on the needs for the schools when being involved with outreach activities for schools. I choose this article to explain some of the needs when coming to getting to have community events. As for the Gala, the Gala was created so the students and performers can share why they might feel why student associations are important in communities. SOme of the needs that were talked about on the website are shared resources found for students, preventing barriers found in the schools like equality or racism. (2019). [online] Available at: [Accessed 26 Jan. 2019]. This article is social development and effectiveness. I will use this article create effectiveness between the students in community involvement club and the parents that are helping with the Gala. Effectiveness will give community involvement club perseverance when dealing with school activities. The parents will also get a better understanding of why being involved with the school helps school activities move more efficiently. The student will work with social development and work with other students to male student organizations better.
Project Smart. (2019). The Six Principles of Project Management. [online] Available at: [Accessed 26 Jan. 2019].
This article is about the basic principles to considering during the process of project development. I will use this article when creating a plan for the design of the Gala. During my meetings with the community involvement club, I will break down these principles so that the vision will help create partnerships with other school academic clubs. Some of the principles that were mentioned were the Vision and mission, the Standards of engagement, and measurement accountability skills. These principles will help with dependency, which is a key to for building relationships between people. (2019). [online] Available at: [Accessed 26 Jan. 2019]. This article is about the Leadership styles that are found in project creation. Some of the Leadership Styles that were mentioned are directive and democratic. Those leadership roles will help with my capstone because it helps when creating roles for each person within a organization. Directive roles helps students who need to be aligned when dealing with community events, which a big events that need specific resources. Democratic roles are for bigger school clubs that need help with making decisions which may be a struggle. To prevent these things. The meeting will be happening within BSU about parenting help.
Marie, Ann 27/3 Tuesday
During this interview, I will be discussing the different fabrics and design materials needed to bring the vision of the Gala. The materials that will be gathered will include african prints for table cloths or napkins. I would also discuss the choice of materials, why including certains prints or plates. Involving different schools give input on what needs to be included will help explore different aspects of culture dynamics and race within the schools.
Event Planner Interview 28/3 Wednesday
During this interview, I would discuss the future aspects for the Gala. Some of the aspects are involving other schools student governments that are invited to the Gala. Involving the SLA CIc club will help help the organization within the school. Now that the school is moving to Ben Franklin, students can also incorporate project developments for BSU related events like the Gala or Schools dances. As for Parent Organizations, donations and volunteers for event setup could relive stress for student event planning. Having this conversation will sought out the future steps for student organizations for school activities.
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