"Lemony Babies" Process Paper

Our project was to slow down the rate of teen pregnancy in Philadelphia. We know we can not stop it completely, but we want to get the message through that although babies are blessings, most teens can not handle a child. We decided that teens would be our main focus, so we made a twitter account to tweet information about teen pregnancy, a QR code of a funny fact website, posters with our twitter name on it and the QR code. 
The QR code we found on the second day of working together, as soon as we found it we knew it had to be included somehow. We thought it would lighten up the situation and not just make it "abstinence is cool". The website is a parody or extreme of reasons why most people think that you should wait to have sex. It is not meant to be taken seriously, and that was our intension. 
We decided to hang the posters around our high school to see how they affected people. The posters consisted of pictures, slogans, and information. We had smaller posters and hung them in emptier locations for more impact. We put the QR code on all of the bigger posters and the twitter link on all of the posters. 
The twitter was created to put out messages that show that teen pregnancy isn't bad, but isn't a wise choice. We tried to make sure that in no way to promote abortions, just think before you have sex. The twitter basically lets young women and men know how to protect themselves and just lets young adults and teenagers know what they should expect if coming into parenthood or prevention to not get pregnant. 
Overall I think we worked well as a group and had our goals accomplished. ALthough in our original idea had a PSA in it, we decided to go a modern way and make a twitter. We knew we wanted the posters and I think they were a success. We all had separate parts but came together and collaborated on others. I worked mostly on the posters and the twitter, and I just made sure everything was flowing smoothly. 
