Lesson One, Courtesy Phrases (April, Sarah-Charlotte, Vannary)
o When speaking to an elder or someone of importance, you would have to use the formal way of speaking, using Usted (abbreviated Ud.)
§ (example) To ask an elder where he/she is from, say “¿ De donde es?”/”¿ De donde es Usted?
o When speaking to someone you are close to, or someone younger than you, you would generally use the informal way of speaking, using tu.
§ (example) to ask your friend of little brother where they are from, you would ask, “¿De donde eres?”/ ”¿De donde eres tu?
· Polite Phrases to use
§ (muchas)(mil) Gracias | § Thanks (a lot) (a million) |
§ De nada./ Por nada./ No hay de que. | § Your Welcome |
§ ¿Como? | § What did you say? |
These phrases are used in every day life in all languages.
· Using “Excuse me.”
o In the Spanish language, there are three different phreases to replace “excuse me” in English. The three phases are:
“Perdon.”-when you bump into someone.
“Disculpe.”- when you want to get someone’s attention.
“Con Permisso.” –when you need someone to move out of your way.
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