Lesson two, los numeros y numeros de telefono (April, Sarah-Charlotte, Vannary)
1) Uno
2) Dos
3) Tres
4) Cuatro
5) Cinco
6) Seis
7) Siete
8) Ocho
9) Nueve
The number 10 in Spanish is pronounced, diez.
The first five numbers after that (from 11 to 15) are pronounced differently from the digit in it’s tens place. They are:
11. Once
12. Doce
13. Trece
14. Catorce
15. Quince
the numbers 16 to 19 all use the word for the tens place, such as deici seis, dieci siete, and so on.
The number 20 is pronounced, “veinte” in Spanish to say 21 through 29, use the word for 20 just as you did for ten in numbers 16 to 19. However, instead of using “veinte,” swap out the E for an I and use “veinti.”
(examples) veintiuno, veintidos, veintitres.
The number 30 is pronounced, “treinta.” For the thirties through the ninties, to add ones place digits, all you do is say the number “and” the ones place.
(examples) treinta y uno, treinta y dos, treinta y tres.
The next places follow the rules described for thirty.
Cuarenta o Forty
Cincuenta o Fifty
Sesenta o Sixty
Setenta o Seventy
Ochenta o Eighty
Noventa o Ninety
Practice this by saying the following numbers in Spanish:
o Eighty-five
o Twenty-four
o Fifty-eight
o Ninty-nine
The 100’s
o To say 100 you say “cien.” To put tens and ones places after it, replace “cein” with “ciento” and then say the rest of the number.
• (Example) 123 would be pronounced “ceinto veintitres.”
o All other numbers in the 100’s place follow the same rule as 100.
Doscien(tos) 200 (and)
Trescien(to) 300 (and)
Cuatrocien(tos) 400 (and)
Quinien(tos) 500 (and)
Sesien(tos) 600 (and)
Setecien(tos) 700 (and)
Ochocien(tos) 800 (and)
Novecien(tos) 900 (and)
Finally, the pronounciation of 1000 is “mil.”
To ask for someone’s telephone number, you can use either “¿Cual es tu numero de telefono?” or “¿Cual es su numero de telefono?” That translates to whats your phone number.
To tell your phone numberto someone, just say the seiries of numbers as you would in English.
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