Liquor License

  • Chris Cassise
  • Briefly summarize the bureaucratic 'task' that you selected.
  • We selected the liquor license as our bureaucratic task for a restaurant in a zone applicable for selling liquor. So we chose two restaurants Adobe cafe and Popis Italian restaurant.
  • Give an overview of your process
  • We found all the documents that had to be filled out and then seen what the checklist paper on what of them stated we needed to do. From there we created the flow chart using various step by step websites obtaining one and the paperwork documents.
  • Reflect upon the paperwork that you needed to fill out. Was it straightforward, easy, difficult, perplexing, etc
  • The paper work was only around 5 pages and pretty straightforward. There wasnt any hard parts except for finding out the height and width for how much space the alcoholic beverages are going to be sold on.
  • If you could change one thing about the bureaucratic process that you flow charted, what would it be and why?
  • I think make some more room to show all the different types of liquor licenses you can apply to if your not a restaurant and maybe show the transfer documents and how that is also a different process then just focusing on obtaining one.
  • Why do you think the systems have become so complicated? 
  • The systems probably became so complicated to stop fraudulent processing. These documents asked and information asked really show you need everything, you cant just get away with estimating or lying. 
  • Other thoughts, reflections, feedback.
  • I thought this project was informative and definitively opened my eyes about how confusing and complicated these bureaucratic functions are
