Lit Log #2 // The Road

As we can see I can’t draw, but I tried my best, I am drawing the part where the man and the child smelled something being cooked. They went to check it. When they go and see what it was. As they get closer they see it is it is like a baby’s soup. They see that the organs of the baby where outside. I could not draw the the organs but I drew the baby on fire and the man and the boy seeing what has just occurred. On my personal opinion in reading this text was surprising. Me and Mariely were listening to the audiobook and when that part came up we stopped the whole thing and played it again to see if what we heard was the correct thing. From that reaction you can tell that it is not something normal. There are at the point of the book where they have no food. People are looking for other ways of survival which obviously it is not normal for us to see that. Now it got me to think the little boy will is growing up like that will it eventually be something normal for him? I mean willl he survived and have a family or be like his dad? This part of the book got me thinking a lot of the books future.

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