Living Like an Impossible Tongue Twister...
I have conducted a lot of research about Social anxiety for my first two blog posts. In my first blog, I researched about what exactly social anxiety is, what social is like in other people's lives, how to cope with it, and the treatment. For my second blog post, I educated myself more about this issue and talked about it in this second blog but I also interviewed a friend of mine who suffered from social anxiety. I asked her questions such as how social anxiety affected her life and her responses were similar to the people who have social anxiety as well. I was surprised by how social anxiety not only affected her life but it also affected the real her. For my agent of change, I have decided to partner up with Jae Regino and TK Saccoh because not only did we use a similar issue but I believe that we all work very well as a group and it would help all of us in the last part of the project since we all have a good insight about this issue.
Currently, my partners and I are working on our website to educate the public about social anxiety. The point of this website is to also help the people who suffer from it with the help they need or an advice from us and we will respond to whatever they intend to share with us. After working on this website, we will share it on social medias and spread the word to other people about this. Our site is not a site where people just browse information but they could leave comments or share their stories. If you want to make a change in the society you could either donate or do a simple task both on this website. This task is called the "Tongue Twister Task". This is basically like a challenge where everyone are welcome to participate in. In order to participate, you make a video of yourself or whoever you're with and do a tongue twister and say it for three times. After doing the task, you nominate 2 or more people to do the same thing and to post it on social media such as: instagram, twitter, facebook, etc.
In the paragraph above this, I talked about this website where the "Tongue Twister Task" is located at. Like I said above, this task is an awareness to social anxiety. People with this condition avoid public and social situations and it's as if their lives are an impossible tongue twister. I am glad that we thought of doing the website and the tongue twister task for the agent of change because this will not only educate people about this big issue but it will also help people who suffer from social anxiety. My partners and I are pursuing the website and the tongue twister task for our agent of change. We started asking other people to do the task and it has been successful so far.
First, we asked one person if he could do the task while we videotape him. After he does the tongue twister he begins nominating a person and the person who was nominated nominates another person and it just keeps going… That is how the change started. At first, I felt uneasy about doing this project because the amount of things that we were supposed to do was intimidating but now that I know pretty much what I want to do, I feel comfortable in doing this project and I enjoy doing this very much even if it takes a lot of time and effort. What I learned about myself is that I tend to enjoy big projects as long as they involve other people not just the lessons we learn in class. What I learned about others is that they will support what you do just as long as it is for an important cause.
These are the people who participated in the "Twister Task Challenge" and here is a link if you want to see them.
This is the home page of our website with the quote from this website said by Thomas A. Richards,Ph. D., a psychologist and a director.
I feel like I could've done my research for my agent of change earlier because this part needs a lot of research and consumes time. Me and my partners still need to ask more people to join this awareness and the people who were nominated to do the task needs to record themselves. We just basically want this awareness to spread and let people know about social anxiety and after doing this awareness hopefully people learned something out of this project my partners and I did.
Here is my annotated bibliography!
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