Lobbying Assignment #5 - Finalize and Extend

​For this last post I came up with an outline for a letter to the editors of The Philadelphia Metro and The Notebook.

Topic: Standardized Curriculum in Philadelphia High Schools  

Main Point: 
The point of this blog post it to have people become aware of the injustices being done to students and teachers at Philadelphia Renaissance Schools ( and schools around the country) Standardized testing is not the one and only way to measure intelligence. Different students come from different backgrounds and have multiple intelligences, so why should they all be given the same test to measure those intelligences? Strictly Test Preparatory Curriculum's strip teachers of the right to be creative in the classroom and build their own lessons. My mission is to prove to the School District of Philadelphia that there is another way and convince them to try it.

I will complete this letter and email or mail it to the two newspapers mentioned above.
