Lobbying blog #5
Throughout the process of finding information and ways to stop the bill S.3804 Combating Online Infringement and Copyrights act. (COICA) A lot of worry was spread through the people, but due to the late introduction to the bill, It didn’t have enough time to get signed as It was introduced in the 111th congress, It is now the 112th congress which means the current bills slates were wiped clean to be introduced in the new congress. However I am unsure that with the new senators and house members, and the change of Majority in the house switching over to Republicans, I am not sure if this will affect the outcome of the bill if it is reintroduced.
I have a good feeling that it will be because something like this is introduced every year or so, it is only a matter of time before serious consideration is put on hand towards the future of this bill and change the balance if it will be passed or not.
We have to be smarter and more informed about the things that will drastically shape the way we see and do things in our daily lives, the Internet isn’t just the internet anymore, it’s a part of people, and taking away the freedom of the internet is taking away the freedom of the people. Information has been exploited since the beginning of man, It is only when somebody exploits them does it become a problem and they feel the need to pursue the cause.
We have nothing to worry about as of now, we just have to sit and wait to see if a senator will put this bill back up on the ballad. We should though, be more preapred when this bill comes back up, because we know the possible dangers of this bill and how to possibly stop it, that's what we need to do, as soon as it is introduced we need to imemdiatly contact our senators and demand that they negate this bill and hope forever that this idea of limitation and control over the internet will be dismissed.
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