Lobbying Blog Post #5
Please commit to what you would like to accomplish in your final blog post for the lobbying assignment. If you are behind in the steps, by all means, go back and do that. If you feel like one of the past steps needed more attention, go back and pick that up. Basically, because you are all in such different places, you will set the terms of your last post. Make sure to include any extensions that you can think of, past the end of the course. The final post will be due Jan. 11th, but this assignment is due immediately. Please start working on this soon.
In my final blog post, I would like to get in contact with Mayor Nutter because although I tweeted him, facebooked him and ichatted him, he did not respond. So, I want to make a trip down to perhaps his office and set up an appointment with him in order to talk about bike paths in Philadelphia and where they are going with it. By making this effort toward talking to him, I can really make progress with lobbying for more bike paths because Philadelphia really needs them. Mayor Nutter would be the man to put the final say on whether or not it will happen and how it will happen .
In my final blog post, I would like to get in contact with Mayor Nutter because although I tweeted him, facebooked him and ichatted him, he did not respond. So, I want to make a trip down to perhaps his office and set up an appointment with him in order to talk about bike paths in Philadelphia and where they are going with it. By making this effort toward talking to him, I can really make progress with lobbying for more bike paths because Philadelphia really needs them. Mayor Nutter would be the man to put the final say on whether or not it will happen and how it will happen .
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